
IpatchDLS2 — DLS version 2 instrument file object

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


enum                IpatchDLS2Flags;
#define             IPATCH_DLS2_UNUSED_FLAG_SHIFT
IpatchDLS2 *        ipatch_dls2_new                     (void);
#define             ipatch_dls2_get_insts               (dls)
#define             ipatch_dls2_get_samples             (dls)
void                ipatch_dls2_set_file                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         IpatchDLSFile *file);
IpatchDLSFile *     ipatch_dls2_get_file                (IpatchDLS2 *dls);
char *              ipatch_dls2_get_info                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         guint32 fourcc);
void                ipatch_dls2_set_info                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         guint32 fourcc,
                                                         const char *val);
char *              ipatch_dls2_make_unique_name        (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         GType child_type,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchItem *exclude);
IpatchDLS2Inst *    ipatch_dls2_find_inst               (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program,
                                                         const IpatchDLS2Inst *exclude);
IpatchDLS2Sample *  ipatch_dls2_find_sample             (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchDLS2Sample *exclude);
IpatchList *        ipatch_dls2_get_region_references   (IpatchDLS2Sample *sample);

Object Hierarchy



  "archive-location"         gchar*                : Read / Write
  "artist"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "comment"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "commissioned"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "copyright"                gchar*                : Read / Write
  "date"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "engineer"                 gchar*                : Read / Write
  "genre"                    gchar*                : Read / Write
  "keywords"                 gchar*                : Read / Write
  "medium"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "product"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "software"                 gchar*                : Read / Write
  "source"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "source-form"              gchar*                : Read / Write
  "subject"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "technician"               gchar*                : Read / Write
  "version"                  gchar*                : Read / Write


Object type for DLS version 2 format instruments.



typedef struct {
  IpatchBase parent_instance;

  /* NOTE: This is not the DLS version! Optional descriptive stamp version */
  guint32 ms_version; /* most significant 32 bits of 64 bit version */
  guint32 ls_version; /* least significant 32 bits of 64 bit version */

  IpatchDLS2Info *info;		/* info strings */
  GSList *insts;		/* list of #IpatchDLS2Inst objects */
  GSList *samples;		/* list of #IpatchDLS2Sample objects */

  guint8 *dlid; /* 16 bytes or NULL - globally unique ID (indicates changes) */
} IpatchDLS2;

enum IpatchDLS2Flags

typedef enum
  /* set if the ms_version/ls_version values are valid */
} IpatchDLS2Flags;



ipatch_dls2_new ()

IpatchDLS2 *        ipatch_dls2_new                     (void);

Create a new DLS base object.

Returns :

New DLS base object with a reference count of 1. Caller owns the reference and removing it will destroy the item.


#define             ipatch_dls2_get_insts(dls)


#define             ipatch_dls2_get_samples(dls)

ipatch_dls2_set_file ()

void                ipatch_dls2_set_file                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         IpatchDLSFile *file);

Sets the file object of a DLS object. DLS files are kept open for sample data that references the file. This function sets a DLS object's authoritive file. A convenience function, as ipatch_base_set_file() does the same thing (albeit without more specific type casting).

dls :

DLS to set file object of

file :

File object to use with the DLS object

ipatch_dls2_get_file ()

IpatchDLSFile *     ipatch_dls2_get_file                (IpatchDLS2 *dls);

Gets the file object of a DLS. The returned DLS file object's reference count has been incremented. The caller owns the reference and is responsible for removing it with g_object_unref. A convenience function as ipatch_base_get_file() does the same thing (albeit without more specific type casting).

dls :

DLS object to get file object of

Returns :

The DLS file object or NULL if dls is not open. Remember to unref the file object with g_object_unref() when done with it.

ipatch_dls2_get_info ()

char *              ipatch_dls2_get_info                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         guint32 fourcc);

Get a DLS info string by FOURCC integer ID (integer representation of a 4 character RIFF chunk ID, see IpatchRiff).

dls :

DLS to get info from

fourcc :

FOURCC integer id of INFO to get

Returns :

New allocated info string value or NULL if no info with the given fourcc ID. String should be freed when finished with it.

ipatch_dls2_set_info ()

void                ipatch_dls2_set_info                (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         guint32 fourcc,
                                                         const char *val);

Sets an INFO value in a DLS object.

Emits changed signal on DLS object.

dls :

DLS to set info of

fourcc :

FOURCC integer ID of INFO to set

val :

Value to set info to or NULL to unset (clear) info.

ipatch_dls2_make_unique_name ()

char *              ipatch_dls2_make_unique_name        (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         GType child_type,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchItem *exclude);

Generates a unique name for the given child_type in dls. The name parameter is used as a base and is modified, by appending a number, to make it unique (if necessary). The exclude parameter is used to exclude an existing dls child item from the search.

MT-Note: To ensure that an item is actually unique before being added to a DLS object, ipatch_container_add_unique() should be used.

dls :

DLS object

child_type :

A child type of dls to search for a unique name in

name :

An initial name to use or NULL

exclude :

An item to exclude from search or NULL

Returns :

A new unique name which should be freed when finished with it.

ipatch_dls2_find_inst ()

IpatchDLS2Inst *    ipatch_dls2_find_inst               (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program,
                                                         const IpatchDLS2Inst *exclude);

Find a instrument by name or bank:program MIDI numbers. If instrument name and bank:program are specified then match for either condition. If a instrument is found its reference count is incremented before it is returned. The caller is responsible for removing the reference with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

dls :

DLS object to search in

name :

Name of instrument to find or NULL to match any name

bank :

MIDI bank number of instrument to search for or -1 to not search by MIDI bank:program numbers

program :

MIDI program number of instrument to search for, only used if bank is 0-128

exclude :

A instrument to exclude from the search or NULL

Returns :

The matching instrument or NULL if not found. Remember to unref the item when finished with it.

ipatch_dls2_find_sample ()

IpatchDLS2Sample *  ipatch_dls2_find_sample             (IpatchDLS2 *dls,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchDLS2Sample *exclude);

Find a sample by name in a SoundFont. If a sample is found its reference count is incremented before it is returned. The caller is responsible for removing the reference with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

dls :

SoundFont to search in

name :

Name of sample to find

exclude :

A sample to exclude from the search or NULL

Returns :

The matching sample or NULL if not found. Remember to unref the item when finished with it.

ipatch_dls2_get_region_references ()

IpatchList *        ipatch_dls2_get_region_references   (IpatchDLS2Sample *sample);

Get list of regions referencing an IpatchDLS2Sample.

sample :

Sample to locate referencing regions of.

Returns :

New item list containing IpatchDLS2Region objects that refer to sample. The returned list has a reference count of 1 which the caller owns, unreference it when done.

Property Details

The "archive-location" property

  "archive-location"         gchar*                : Read / Write

Location where subject is archived.

Default value: NULL

The "artist" property

  "artist"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Original artist.

Default value: NULL

The "comment" property

  "comment"                  gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "commissioned" property

  "commissioned"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Who commissioned the material.

Default value: NULL

The "copyright" property

  "copyright"                gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "date" property

  "date"                     gchar*                : Read / Write

Creation date (YYYY-MM-DD).

Default value: NULL

The "engineer" property

  "engineer"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

Engineers separated by "; ".

Default value: NULL

The "genre" property

  "genre"                    gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "keywords" property

  "keywords"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

Keywords (separated by "; ").

Default value: NULL

The "medium" property

  "medium"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Original medium of the material (record, CD, etc).

Default value: NULL

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: "untitled"

The "product" property

  "product"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

Product intended for.

Default value: NULL

The "software" property

  "software"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

Editor software used.

Default value: NULL

The "source" property

  "source"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Source of the original material.

Default value: NULL

The "source-form" property

  "source-form"              gchar*                : Read / Write

Original source that was digitized.

Default value: NULL

The "subject" property

  "subject"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

Subject of the material.

Default value: NULL

The "technician" property

  "technician"               gchar*                : Read / Write

Technician who sampled the material.

Default value: NULL

The "version" property

  "version"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

File version "n.n.n.n".

Default value: NULL