
IpatchContainer — Abstract object type used for items containing other child items.

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


void                (*IpatchContainerCallback)          (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                (*IpatchContainerDisconnect)        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
IpatchList *        ipatch_container_get_children       (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         GType type);
const GType *       ipatch_container_get_child_types    (IpatchContainer *container);
const GType *       ipatch_container_get_virtual_types  (IpatchContainer *container);
const GType *       ipatch_container_type_get_child_types
                                                        (GType container_type);
void                ipatch_container_insert             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         int pos);
void                ipatch_container_append             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
#define             ipatch_container_add
void                ipatch_container_prepend            (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
void                ipatch_container_remove             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
void                ipatch_container_remove_all         (IpatchContainer *container);
guint               ipatch_container_count              (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         GType type);
void                ipatch_container_make_unique        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
void                ipatch_container_add_unique         (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
gboolean            ipatch_container_init_iter          (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter,
                                                         GType type);
void                ipatch_container_insert_iter        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter);
void                ipatch_container_remove_iter        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter);
void                ipatch_container_add_notify         (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child);
void                ipatch_container_remove_notify      (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child);
guint               ipatch_container_add_connect        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         IpatchContainerDisconnect disconnect,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guint               ipatch_container_remove_connect     (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         IpatchContainerDisconnect disconnect,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                ipatch_container_add_disconnect     (guint handler_id);
void                ipatch_container_add_disconnect_matched
                                                        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                ipatch_container_remove_disconnect  (guint handler_id);
void                ipatch_container_remove_disconnect_matched
                                                        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Object Hierarchy



Objects which are derived from this abstract type can contain other items, thus forming a tree of items in an instrument file for example.


IpatchContainerCallback ()

void                (*IpatchContainerCallback)          (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

A function prototype callback which is called for container adds or removes (after adds, before removes).

container :

Container item

item :

Item that was added/removed to/from container

user_data :

User defined pointer assigned when callback connected

IpatchContainerDisconnect ()

void                (*IpatchContainerDisconnect)        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

A function prototype which is called when a callback gets disconnected.

container :

Container item

child :

Match child item of original connect (ipatch_container_remove_connect() only, always NULL for ipatch_container_add_connect()).

user_data :

User defined pointer assigned when callback connected


typedef struct _IpatchContainer IpatchContainer;





ipatch_container_get_children ()

IpatchList *        ipatch_container_get_children       (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         GType type);

Get a list of child items from a container object. A new IpatchList is created containing all matching child items. The returned list object can be iterated over safely even in a multi-thread environment. If performance is an issue, ipatch_container_init_iter() can be used instead, although it requires locking of the container object.

container :

Container object

type :

GType of child items to get (will match type descendants as well)

Returns :

New object list containing all matching items (an empty list if no items matched). The caller owns a reference to the object list and removing the reference will destroy it.

ipatch_container_get_child_types ()

const GType *       ipatch_container_get_child_types    (IpatchContainer *container);

Get an array of child types for a container object. The number of types is the number of individual lists the container has.

container :

Container object

Returns :

Pointer to a zero terminated array of types. Array is static and should not be modified or freed.

ipatch_container_get_virtual_types ()

const GType *       ipatch_container_get_virtual_types  (IpatchContainer *container);

Get an array of virtual types for a container object. Virtual types are used to group child items in user interfaces (an example is SoundFont "Percussion Presets" which contains all presets in bank number 128). To discover what virtual container a child object is part of lookup it's "virtual-parent-type" type property (ipatch_type_get() or ipatch_type_object_get()).

container :

Container object

Returns :

Pointer to a zero terminated array of types or NULL if no virtual types for container. Array is static and should not be modified or freed.

ipatch_container_type_get_child_types ()

const GType *       ipatch_container_type_get_child_types
                                                        (GType container_type);

Get an array of child types for a container type. The number of types is the number of individual lists the container has. Like ipatch_container_get_child_types() but takes a container GType instead of a container object.

container_type :

A IpatchContainer derived type to get child types of

Returns :

Pointer to a zero terminated array of types. Array is static and should not be modified or freed.

ipatch_container_insert ()

void                ipatch_container_insert             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         int pos);

Inserts an item into a patch item container.

MT-NOTE: If position in list is critical the container item should be locked and ipatch_container_insert_iter() used instead (see other special requirements for using this function). Only inserting in the first or last position (pos is 0 or less than 0) is guaranteed.

container :

Container item to insert into

item :

Item to insert

pos :

Index position to insert item into (item type is used to determine what list to insert into). 0 = first, less than 0 = last.

ipatch_container_append ()

void                ipatch_container_append             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Appends an item to a container's children.

container :

Container item

item :

Item to insert


#define ipatch_container_add  ipatch_container_append

ipatch_container_prepend ()

void                ipatch_container_prepend            (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Prepends an item to a container's children.

container :

Container item

item :

Item to insert

ipatch_container_remove ()

void                ipatch_container_remove             (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Removes an item from container.

container :

Container item to remove from

item :

Item to remove from container

ipatch_container_remove_all ()

void                ipatch_container_remove_all         (IpatchContainer *container);

Removes all items from a container object.

container :

Container object

ipatch_container_count ()

guint               ipatch_container_count              (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         GType type);

Counts children of a specific type (or derived thereof) in a container object.

container :

Container object to count children of

type :

Type of children to count

Returns :

Count of children of type in container.

ipatch_container_make_unique ()

void                ipatch_container_make_unique        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Ensures an item's duplicate sensitive properties are unique among items of the same type in container. The item need not be a child of container, but can be. The initial values of the duplicate sensitive properties are used if already unique, otherwise they are modified (name strings have numbers appended to them, unused MIDI locale is found, etc).

container :

Patch item container

item :

An item of a type that can be added to container (but not necessarily parented to container).

ipatch_container_add_unique ()

void                ipatch_container_add_unique         (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Adds a patch item to a container and ensures that the item's duplicate sensitive properties are unique (see ipatch_container_make_unique()).

container :

Container to add item to

item :

Item to add

ipatch_container_init_iter ()

gboolean            ipatch_container_init_iter          (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter,
                                                         GType type);

Initialize an iterator structure to a child list of the specified type in a container object.

MT-NOTE: The container must be locked, or single thread access ensured, for the duration of this call and iteration of iter as the container object's lists are used directly. The iterator related functions are meant to be used for latency critical operations, and they should try and minimize the locking duration.

container :

Container object

iter :

Iterator structure to initialize

type :

Container child type list to initialize iter to

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise in which case the contents of iter are undefined.

ipatch_container_insert_iter ()

void                ipatch_container_insert_iter        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter);

This function should not normally be used. It is provided to allow for custom high performance functions involving container adds. If used, certain precautions and requirements must be followed.

Insert a patch item into a container after the position marked by iter. No checking is done to see if child item is actually a valid type in container, this is left up to the caller for added performance. Also left up to the caller is a call to ipatch_container_add_notify() to notify that the item has been added (should be called after this function and outside of container lock). It is not necessary to notify if hooks are not enabled for container or caller doesn't care.

MT-NOTE: The container object should be write locked, or single thread access ensured, for the duration of this call and prior iterator functions.

container :

Container object

item :

Patch item to insert

iter :

Iterator marking position to insert after (NULL position to prepend). Iterator is advanced after insert to point to new inserted item. Note that this makes appending multiple items rather fast.

ipatch_container_remove_iter ()

void                ipatch_container_remove_iter        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchIter *iter);

This function should not normally be used. It is provided to allow for custom high performance functions involving container removes. If used, certain precautions and requirements must be followed.

Removes an item from a container object. The item is specified by the current position in iter. It is left up to the caller to call ipatch_container_remove_notify() (should be called before this function and out of container lock) to notify that the item will be removed. It is not necessary to notify if hooks are not enabled for container or caller doesn't care.

MT-NOTE: The container object should be write locked, or single thread access ensured, for the duration of this call and prior iterator functions.

container :

Container object

iter :

Iterator marking item to remove

ipatch_container_add_notify ()

void                ipatch_container_add_notify         (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child);

Notify that a child add has occurred to an IpatchContainer object. Should be called after the add has occurred. This function is normally not needed except when using ipatch_container_insert_iter().

container :

Container item for which an item add occurred

child :

Child which was added

ipatch_container_remove_notify ()

void                ipatch_container_remove_notify      (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child);

Notify that a container remove will occur to an IpatchContainer object. Should be called before the remove occurs. This function is normally not needed, except when using ipatch_container_remove_iter().

container :

Container item for which a remove will occur

child :

Child which will be removed

ipatch_container_add_connect ()

guint               ipatch_container_add_connect        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         IpatchContainerDisconnect disconnect,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds a callback which gets called when a container item add operation occurs and the container matches container. When container is NULL, callback will be called for every container add operation.

container :

Container to match (NULL for wildcard)

callback :

Callback function to call on match

disconnect :

Function to call when callback is disconnected or NULL

user_data :

User defined data pointer to pass to callback and disconnect

Returns :

Handler ID which can be used to disconnect the callback or 0 on error (only occurs on invalid function parameters).

ipatch_container_remove_connect ()

guint               ipatch_container_remove_connect     (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         IpatchContainerDisconnect disconnect,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds a callback which gets called when a container item remove operation occurs and the container matches container and child item matches child. The container and/or child parameters can be NULL in which case they are wildcard. If both are NULL then callback will be called for every container remove operation. Note that specifying only child or both container and child is the same, since a child belongs to only one container.

container :

Container to match (NULL for wildcard)

child :

Child item to match (NULL for wildcard)

callback :

Callback function to call on match

disconnect :

Function to call when callback is disconnected or NULL

user_data :

User defined data pointer to pass to callback and disconnect

Returns :

Handler ID which can be used to disconnect the callback or 0 on error (only occurs on invalid function parameters).

ipatch_container_add_disconnect ()

void                ipatch_container_add_disconnect     (guint handler_id);

Disconnects a container add callback previously connected with ipatch_container_add_connect() by handler ID. The ipatch_container_add_disconnect_matched() function can be used instead to disconnect by original callback criteria and is actually faster.

handler_id :

ID of callback handler

ipatch_container_add_disconnect_matched ()

void                ipatch_container_add_disconnect_matched
                                                        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Disconnects a container add callback previously connected with ipatch_container_add_connect() by match criteria.

container :

Container to match

callback :

Callback function to match

user_data :

User data to match

ipatch_container_remove_disconnect ()

void                ipatch_container_remove_disconnect  (guint handler_id);

Disconnects a container remove callback previously connected with ipatch_container_remove_connect() by handler ID. The ipatch_container_remove_disconnect_matched() function can be used instead to disconnect by original callback criteria and is actually faster.

handler_id :

ID of callback handler

ipatch_container_remove_disconnect_matched ()

void                ipatch_container_remove_disconnect_matched
                                                        (IpatchContainer *container,
                                                         IpatchItem *child,
                                                         IpatchContainerCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Disconnects a handler previously connected with ipatch_container_remove_connect() by match criteria.

container :

Container to match

child :

Child item to match

callback :

Callback function to match

user_data :

User data to match