
IpatchBase — Base instrument file object type

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


enum                IpatchBaseFlags;
#define             IPATCH_BASE_DEFAULT_NAME
void                ipatch_base_set_file                (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         IpatchFile *file);
IpatchFile *        ipatch_base_get_file                (IpatchBase *base);
void                ipatch_base_set_file_name           (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         const char *file_name);
char *              ipatch_base_get_file_name           (IpatchBase *base);
void                ipatch_base_find_unused_midi_locale (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program,
                                                         const IpatchItem *exclude,
                                                         gboolean percussion);
IpatchItem *        ipatch_base_find_item_by_midi_locale
                                                        (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);

Object Hierarchy



  "changed"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "file"                     IpatchFile*           : Read / Write
  "file-name"                gchar*                : Read / Write
  "saved"                    gboolean              : Read / Write


Defines an abstract object type which is used as the basis of instrument files, such as IpatchSF2, IpatchDLS, etc.


enum IpatchBaseFlags

typedef enum
  /* patch changed flag */
  /* patch been saved ever? */
} IpatchBaseFlags;




typedef struct _IpatchBase IpatchBase;



ipatch_base_set_file ()

void                ipatch_base_set_file                (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         IpatchFile *file);

Sets the file object associated with a patch.

base :

Patch base object to set file object of

file :

File object

ipatch_base_get_file ()

IpatchFile *        ipatch_base_get_file                (IpatchBase *base);

Get the file object associated with a patch base object. Caller owns a reference to the returned file object and it should be unrefed when done with it.

base :

Patch base object to get file object from

Returns :

File object or NULL if not set. Remember to unref it when done with it.

ipatch_base_set_file_name ()

void                ipatch_base_set_file_name           (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         const char *file_name);

Sets the file name of the file object in a patch base object. File object should have been set before calling this function (otherwise request is silently ignored). A convenience function as one could get the file object and set it directly.

base :

Patch base object to set file name of

file_name :

Path and name to set filename to

ipatch_base_get_file_name ()

char *              ipatch_base_get_file_name           (IpatchBase *base);

Get the file name of the file object in a base patch item. A convenience function.

base :

Base patch item to get file name from.

Returns :

New allocated file name or NULL if not set or file object not set. String should be freed when finished with it.

ipatch_base_find_unused_midi_locale ()

void                ipatch_base_find_unused_midi_locale (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program,
                                                         const IpatchItem *exclude,
                                                         gboolean percussion);

Finds an unused MIDI locale (bank:program number pair) in a patch base object. The way in which MIDI bank and program numbers are used is implementation dependent. Percussion instruments often affect the bank parameter (for example SoundFont uses bank 128 for percussion presets). On input the bank and program parameters set the initial locale to start from (set to 0:0 to find the first free value). If the percussion parameter is set it may affect bank, if its not set, bank will not be modified (e.g., if bank is a percussion value it will be used). The exclude parameter can be set to a child item of base to exclude from the list of "used" locales (useful when making an item unique that is already parented to base). On return bank and program will be set to an unused MIDI locale based on the input criteria.

base :

Patch base object

bank :

MIDI bank number (input and output parameter)

program :

MIDI program number (input and output parameter)

exclude :

Child of base with MIDI locale to exclude or NULL

percussion :

Set to TRUE to find a free percussion MIDI locale

ipatch_base_find_item_by_midi_locale ()

IpatchItem *        ipatch_base_find_item_by_midi_locale
                                                        (IpatchBase *base,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);

Find a child object in a base patch object which matches the given MIDI locale (bank and program numbers).

base :

Patch base object

bank :

MIDI bank number of item to search for

program :

MIDI program number of item to search for

Returns :

The item or NULL if not found. The caller owns a reference to the returned object, and is responsible for unref'ing when finished.

Property Details

The "changed" property

  "changed"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

Changed Flag.

Default value: TRUE

The "file" property

  "file"                     IpatchFile*           : Read / Write

File Object.

The "file-name" property

  "file-name"                gchar*                : Read / Write

File Name.

Default value: "untitled"

The "saved" property

  "saved"                    gboolean              : Read / Write

Been Saved Flag.

Default value: FALSE