
IpatchGigRegion — GigaSampler region object

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


enum                IpatchGigRegionFlags;
#define             IPATCH_GIG_REGION_FLAG_MASK
IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_new               (void);
IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_first             (IpatchIter *iter);
IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_next              (IpatchIter *iter);
void                ipatch_gig_region_set_note_range    (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);
void                ipatch_gig_region_set_velocity_range
                                                        (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);
void                ipatch_gig_region_new_dimension     (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         IpatchGigDimensionType type,
                                                         int split_count);
void                ipatch_gig_region_remove_dimension  (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int dim_index,
                                                         int split_index);

Object Hierarchy



  "channel"                  gint                  : Read / Write
  "key-group"                gint                  : Read / Write
  "layer-group"              gint                  : Read / Write
  "multi-channel"            gboolean              : Read / Write
  "note-range"               IpatchRange*          : Read / Write
  "phase-group"              gint                  : Read / Write
  "phase-master"             gboolean              : Read / Write
  "self-non-exclusive"       gboolean              : Read / Write
  "velocity-range"           IpatchRange*          : Read / Write


GigaSampler region objects are children of IpatchGigInst objects.



typedef struct _IpatchGigRegion IpatchGigRegion;

enum IpatchGigRegionFlags

typedef enum
} IpatchGigRegionFlags;





ipatch_gig_region_new ()

IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_new               (void);

Create a new GigaSampler instrument region.

Returns :

New GigaSampler region with a ref count of 1 which the caller owns.

ipatch_gig_region_first ()

IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_first             (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the first item in a region iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_first().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchGigRegion items

Returns :

The first region in iter or NULL if empty.

ipatch_gig_region_next ()

IpatchGigRegion *   ipatch_gig_region_next              (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the next item in a region iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_next().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchGigRegion items

Returns :

The next region in iter or NULL if at the end of the list.

ipatch_gig_region_set_note_range ()

void                ipatch_gig_region_set_note_range    (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);

Set the MIDI note range that a region is active on.

region :

Region to set note range of

low :

Low value of range (MIDI note # between 0 and 127)

high :

High value of range (MIDI note # between 0 and 127)

ipatch_gig_region_set_velocity_range ()

void                ipatch_gig_region_set_velocity_range
                                                        (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);

Set the MIDI velocity range that a region is active on.

region :

Region to set velocity range of

low :

Low value of range (MIDI velocity # between 0 and 127)

high :

High value of range (MIDI velocity # between 0 and 127)

ipatch_gig_region_new_dimension ()

void                ipatch_gig_region_new_dimension     (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         IpatchGigDimensionType type,
                                                         int split_count);

Adds a new dimension to a GigaSampler region. The dimension is allocated split_count number of dimension bits which means the total number of sub regions will be multiplied by a factor of 2 to the power of split_count. There can be a maximum of 32 sub regions for a total of 5 used split bits.

region :

GigaSampler region

type :

Type of dimension to add

split_count :

Split bit count

ipatch_gig_region_remove_dimension ()

void                ipatch_gig_region_remove_dimension  (IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         int dim_index,
                                                         int split_index);

Removes a dimension from a GigaSampler region, including all related sub regions (except those that correspond to the split_index), and re-organizes sub regions for new dimension map.

region :

GigaSampler region

dim_index :

Index of an existing dimension to remove (0-4)

split_index :

Split index to use in the dimension to remove

Property Details

The "channel" property

  "channel"                  gint                  : Read / Write

DLS audio channel identifier.

Allowed values: [0,262143]

Default value: 0

The "key-group" property

  "key-group"                gint                  : Read / Write

Percussion key group.

Allowed values: [0,15]

Default value: 0

The "layer-group" property

  "layer-group"              gint                  : Read / Write

Layer group.

Allowed values: [0,65535]

Default value: 0

The "multi-channel" property

  "multi-channel"            gboolean              : Read / Write

Multi channel.

Default value: FALSE

The "note-range" property

  "note-range"               IpatchRange*          : Read / Write

MIDI note range.

The "phase-group" property

  "phase-group"              gint                  : Read / Write

Phase locked sample group.

Allowed values: [0,65535]

Default value: 0

The "phase-master" property

  "phase-master"             gboolean              : Read / Write

Multi channel phase lock master.

Default value: FALSE

The "self-non-exclusive" property

  "self-non-exclusive"       gboolean              : Read / Write

Self non exclusive.

Default value: FALSE

The "velocity-range" property

  "velocity-range"           IpatchRange*          : Read / Write

MIDI velocity range.

See Also

IpatchGigInst, IpatchGig