


IpatchVBank *       swami_wavetbl_get_virtual_bank      (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl);
void                swami_wavetbl_set_active_item_locale
                                                        (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);
void                swami_wavetbl_get_active_item_locale
                                                        (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program);
gboolean            swami_wavetbl_open                  (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         GError **err);
void                swami_wavetbl_close                 (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl);
SwamiControlMidi *  swami_wavetbl_get_control           (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int index);
gboolean            swami_wavetbl_load_patch            (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *patch,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            swami_wavetbl_load_active_item      (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            swami_wavetbl_check_update_item     (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         GParamSpec *prop);
void                swami_wavetbl_update_item           (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Object Hierarchy



  "active"                   gboolean              : Read
  "active-bank"              gint                  : Read / Write
  "active-program"           gint                  : Read / Write
  "vbank"                    IpatchVBank*          : Read


  "active"                                         : Run First




typedef struct _SwamiWavetbl SwamiWavetbl;

swami_wavetbl_get_virtual_bank ()

IpatchVBank *       swami_wavetbl_get_virtual_bank      (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl);

Retrieve the IpatchVBank object from a Wavetable instance. This bank is the main synthesis object for the Wavetable instance, which is used for mapping instruments to MIDI bank:program locales.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

Returns :

The virtual bank of the Wavetable instance with a reference count added for the caller.

swami_wavetbl_set_active_item_locale ()

void                swami_wavetbl_set_active_item_locale
                                                        (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);

Sets the MIDI bank and program numbers (MIDI locale) of the active item. The active item is the currently focused item in the user interface, which doesn't necessarily have its own locale bank and program.

MT-NOTE: This function ensures bank and program number are set atomically, which is not assured if using the standard g_object_set() routine.

wavetbl :

Swami wave table object

bank :

MIDI bank number of active item

program :

MIDI program number of active item

swami_wavetbl_get_active_item_locale ()

void                swami_wavetbl_get_active_item_locale
                                                        (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program);

Gets the MIDI bank and program numbers (MIDI locale) of the active item. See swami_wavetbl_set_active_item_locale() for more info.

wavetbl :

Swami wave table object

bank :

Location to store MIDI bank number of active item or NULL

program :

Location to store MIDI program number of active item or NULL

swami_wavetbl_open ()

gboolean            swami_wavetbl_open                  (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         GError **err);

Open Wavetbl driver.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

err :

Location to store error information or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

swami_wavetbl_close ()

void                swami_wavetbl_close                 (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl);

Close driver, has no effect if already closed. Emits the "active" signal.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

swami_wavetbl_get_control ()

SwamiControlMidi *  swami_wavetbl_get_control           (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         int index);

Get a MIDI control from a wavetable object. Calls the wavetable's "get_control" method. A control index is used to support multiple controls (for example if the wavetable device supports more than 16 MIDI channels).

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

index :

Control index

Returns :

New MIDI control object linked to wavetbl or NULL if no control with the given index. The returned control's reference count has been incremented and is owned by the caller, remember to unref it when finished.

swami_wavetbl_load_patch ()

gboolean            swami_wavetbl_load_patch            (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *patch,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a patch into a wavetable object.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

patch :

Patch object to load

err :

Location to store error information or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

swami_wavetbl_load_active_item ()

gboolean            swami_wavetbl_load_active_item      (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         GError **err);

Load an item as the active program item.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

item :

Patch item to load as active item.

err :

Location to store error information or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

swami_wavetbl_check_update_item ()

gboolean            swami_wavetbl_check_update_item     (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item,
                                                         GParamSpec *prop);

Checks if a given item needs to be updated if the property prop has changed.

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

item :

Patch item to check if an update is needed

prop :

GParamSpec of property that has changed

Returns :

TRUE if item should be updated, FALSE otherwise (prop is not a synthesis property or item is not currently loaded in wavetbl).

swami_wavetbl_update_item ()

void                swami_wavetbl_update_item           (SwamiWavetbl *wavetbl,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

Refresh a given item object's synthesis cache. This should be called after a change affecting synthesis output occurs to item, which can be tested with swami_wavetbl_check_update_item().

wavetbl :

Swami Wavetable object

item :

Patch item to force update on

Property Details

The "active" property

  "active"                   gboolean              : Read

State of driver.

Default value: FALSE

The "active-bank" property

  "active-bank"              gint                  : Read / Write

Active (focused) MIDI bank number.

Allowed values: [0,128]

Default value: 127

The "active-program" property

  "active-program"           gint                  : Read / Write

Active (focused) MIDI program number.

Allowed values: [0,127]

Default value: 127

The "vbank" property

  "vbank"                    IpatchVBank*          : Read

Virtual bank.

Signal Details

The "active" signal

void                user_function                      (SwamiWavetbl *swamiwavetbl,
                                                        gboolean      arg1,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)         : Run First