


gboolean            swami_midi_device_open              (SwamiMidiDevice *device,
                                                         GError **err);
void                swami_midi_device_close             (SwamiMidiDevice *device);
SwamiControl *      swami_midi_device_get_control       (SwamiMidiDevice *device,
                                                         int index);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _SwamiMidiDevice SwamiMidiDevice;

swami_midi_device_open ()

gboolean            swami_midi_device_open              (SwamiMidiDevice *device,
                                                         GError **err);

Open a MIDI device.

device :

Swami MIDI device

err :

Location to store error information or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

swami_midi_device_close ()

void                swami_midi_device_close             (SwamiMidiDevice *device);

Close an active MIDI device.

device :

MIDI device object

swami_midi_device_get_control ()

SwamiControl *      swami_midi_device_get_control       (SwamiMidiDevice *device,
                                                         int index);

Get a MIDI control object from a MIDI device. A MIDI device may have multiple MIDI control interface channels (if supporting more than 16 MIDI channels for example), so index can be used to iterate over them. The MIDI device does NOT need to be active when calling this function.

device :

MIDI device object

index :

Index of control

Returns :

The MIDI control for the given index, or NULL if no control with that index. The reference count of the returned control has been incremented and is owned by the caller, remember to unref it when finished.