
IpatchSF2GenItem — SoundFont generator item interface

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ITEM_FIRST_PROP_ID
typedef             IpatchSF2GenItem;
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_get_amount      (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *out_amt);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_amount      (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_gen_flag    (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         gboolean setflag);
guint               ipatch_sf2_gen_item_count_set       (IpatchSF2GenItem *item);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_all        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenArray *array);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_set        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenArray *array);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_note_range  (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_velocity_range
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_in_range        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int note,
                                                         int velocity);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_intersect_test  (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *genarray);
GParamSpec *        ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         guint genid);
GParamSpec *        ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec_set
                                                        (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         guint genid);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_install_properties
                                                        (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenPropsType propstype,
                                                         GParamSpec ***specs,
                                                         GParamSpec ***setspecs);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_set_property
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint property_id,
                                                         const GValue *value);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_get_property
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint property_id,
                                                         GValue *value);

Object Hierarchy



IpatchSF2GenItemIface requires IpatchItem.

Known Implementations

IpatchSF2GenItemIface is implemented by IpatchSF2IZone, IpatchSF2Inst, IpatchSF2PZone and IpatchSF2Preset.


Provides an interface for items which have SoundFont generator properties. SoundFont generators are synthesis parameters used by IpatchSF2Preset, IpatchSF2Inst, IpatchSF2PZone and IpatchSF2IZone objects.



#define IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ITEM_FIRST_PROP_ID 1	/* first gen prop */


#define IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ITEM_FIRST_PROP_SET_ID 80 /* first gen-set prop */


#define IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ITEM_FIRST_PROP_USER_ID 160 /* first ID usable for other properties */


typedef IpatchItem IpatchSF2GenItem;


typedef struct {
  IpatchSF2GenPropsType propstype; /* gen properties type for this class */
  guint genarray_ofs; /* offset in item instance to generator array pointer */
  GParamSpec *specs[IPATCH_SF2_GEN_COUNT];  /* genid -> prop pspec array */
  GParamSpec *setspecs[IPATCH_SF2_GEN_COUNT];  /* genid -> "-set" prop pspec array */
} IpatchSF2GenItemIface;

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_get_amount ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_get_amount      (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *out_amt);

Get a generator amount from an item with generator properties.

item :

Item with generators to get value from

genid :

Generator ID (IpatchSF2GenType) of value to get

out_amt :

Output: Pointer to store generator amount to

Returns :

TRUE if generator value is set, FALSE if not set, in which case the value stored to output_amt is the default value for the given generator ID.

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_amount ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_amount      (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt);

Set a generator amount for an item with generators.

IpatchItem property notify is done for the property and possibly the "-set" property if it was unset before.

item :

Item with generators to set value in

genid :

Generator ID (IpatchSF2GenType) of generator to set

amt :

Value to set generator to

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_gen_flag ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_gen_flag    (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint genid,
                                                         gboolean setflag);

Sets the value of a generator "set" flag in an item with generators.

IpatchItem property notify is done for the property and possibly the "-set" property if it was set before.

item :

Item with generator properties to set value of a gen "set" flag of

genid :

Generator ID (IpatchSF2GenType) of generator to set "set" flag value of

setflag :

If TRUE then generatore amount is assigned, FALSE will cause the amount to be unset (and revert to its default value)

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_count_set ()

guint               ipatch_sf2_gen_item_count_set       (IpatchSF2GenItem *item);

Get count of "set" generators in an item with generators.

item :

Item with generators

Returns :

Count of "set" generators.

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_all ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_all        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenArray *array);

Copies an item's generators to a caller supplied generator array.

item :

Item with generators

array :

Destination generator array to store to

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_set ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_set        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenArray *array);

Copies a item's "set" generators to a caller supplied generator array. This function differs from ipatch_sf2_gen_item_copy_all() in that it only copies generators that are set. It can be used to override values in one array with set values in another. Note that this doesn't change any generators in item, despite "set" being in the name.

item :

Item with generators

array :

Destination generator array to store to

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_note_range ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_note_range  (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);

Set the MIDI note range that an item with generators is active on. Only a convenience function really.

item :

Item with generators

low :

Low value of range (MIDI note # between 0 and 127)

high :

High value of range (MIDI note # between 0 and 127)

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_velocity_range ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_set_velocity_range
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int low,
                                                         int high);

Set the MIDI velocity range that an item with generators is active on. Only a convenience function really.

item :

Item with generators

low :

Low value of range (MIDI velocity # between 0 and 127)

high :

High value of range (MIDI velocity # between 0 and 127)

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_in_range ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_in_range        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         int note,
                                                         int velocity);

Check if a note and velocity falls in the ranges of an item with generators

item :

Item with generators

note :

MIDI note number or -1 for wildcard

velocity :

MIDI velocity or -1 for wildcard

Returns :

TRUE if item is in note and velocity range, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_intersect_test ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_intersect_test  (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *genarray);

Check if a given item's note and velocity ranges intersect with those in a generator array.

item :

Item with generators

genarray :

Generator array to test note and velocity ranges against

Returns :

TRUE if both note and velocity ranges intersect, FALSE if one or both do not.

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec ()

GParamSpec *        ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         guint genid);

Get the parameter specification for a given generator ID and object class.

genid :

Generator ID

klass :

Class with an IpatchSF2GenItem interface

Returns :

The parameter specification for the generator or NULL if the given genid for klass is not valid.

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec_set ()

GParamSpec *        ipatch_sf2_gen_item_class_get_pspec_set
                                                        (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         guint genid);

Get a "-set" property parameter specification for a given generator ID and object class.

genid :

Generator ID

klass :

Class with an IpatchSF2GenItem interface

Returns :

The "-set" property parameter specification for the generator or NULL if the given genid or klass are not valid.

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_install_properties ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_install_properties
                                                        (GObjectClass *klass,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenPropsType propstype,
                                                         GParamSpec ***specs,
                                                         GParamSpec ***setspecs);

Installs generator item properties on the provided klass. Used internally in IpatchSF2GenItemIface init functions.

klass :

Object class to install properties on

propstype :

Type of properties to install (instrument/preset)

specs :

Location to store a pointer to an allocated array of parameter specs which should get copied to the interface's specs field and then freed

setspecs :

Location to store a pointer to an allocated array of parameter specs which should get copied to the interface's setspecs field and then freed

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_set_property ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_set_property
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint property_id,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Used internally for classes with generators, to set values thereof.

item :

IpatchItem instance with generator properties

property_id :

Property id to set

value :

Value to set property to

Returns :

TRUE if property_id handled, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_get_property ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_item_iface_get_property
                                                        (IpatchSF2GenItem *item,
                                                         guint property_id,
                                                         GValue *value);

Used internally for classes with generator properties, to get values thereof.

item :

IpatchItem instance with generators

property_id :

Property id to set

value :

Value to set property to

Returns :

TRUE if property_id handled, FALSE otherwise

See Also

IpatchSF2Preset, IpatchSF2Inst, IpatchSF2PZone, IpatchSF2IZone