
IpatchSF2Gen — SoundFont generator functions and definitions

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_COUNT
#define             IPATCH_TYPE_SF2_GEN_ARRAY
enum                IpatchSF2GenPropsType;
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_GLOBAL_FLAG
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_MASK
union               IpatchSF2GenAmount;
struct              IpatchSF2Gen;
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GENID_SET                (genid)
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_TEST_FLAG      (array,
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_SET_FLAG       (array,
#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_CLEAR_FLAG     (array,
enum                IpatchSF2GenType;
enum                IpatchSF2GenSampleModes;
extern              IpatchSF2GenArray *ipatch_sf2_gen_ofs_array;
extern              IpatchSF2GenArray *ipatch_sf2_gen_abs_array;
extern              guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_ofs_valid_mask;
extern              guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_abs_valid_mask;
extern              guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_add_mask;
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_is_valid             (guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenPropsType propstype);
GType               ipatch_sf2_gen_array_get_type       (void);
IpatchSF2GenArray * ipatch_sf2_gen_array_new            (gboolean clear);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_array_free           (IpatchSF2GenArray *genarray);
IpatchSF2GenArray * ipatch_sf2_gen_array_duplicate      (const IpatchSF2GenArray *array);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_array_init           (IpatchSF2GenArray *array,
                                                         gboolean offset,
                                                         gboolean set);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_array_offset         (IpatchSF2GenArray *abs_array,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *ofs_array);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_array_intersect_test (const IpatchSF2GenArray *array1,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *array2);
guint               ipatch_sf2_gen_array_count_set      (IpatchSF2GenArray *array);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_amount_to_value      (guint genid,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_default_value        (guint genid,
                                                         gboolean ispreset,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *out_amt);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_offset               (guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *dst,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *ofs);
void                ipatch_sf2_gen_clamp                (guint genid,
                                                         int *sfval,
                                                         gboolean ispreset);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect      (IpatchSF2GenAmount *dst,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *src);
gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect_test (const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt1,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt2);
const char *        ipatch_sf2_gen_get_prop_name        (guint genid);


SoundFont generators are synthesis parameters used by IpatchSF2Preset, IpatchSF2Inst, IpatchSF2PZone and IpatchSF2IZone objects.





typedef struct {
  guint64 flags; /* 1 bit for each generator indicating if it is set */
  IpatchSF2GenAmount values[IPATCH_SF2_GEN_COUNT]; /* gen values */
} IpatchSF2GenArray;


typedef struct {
  IpatchSF2GenAmount min; /* minimum value allowed */
  IpatchSF2GenAmount max; /* maximum value allowed */
  IpatchSF2GenAmount def; /* default value */
  gint16 unit;			/* #IpatchUnitType type */
  char *label;			/* short descriptive label */
  char *descr;			/* more complete description */
} IpatchSF2GenInfo;


#define IPATCH_TYPE_SF2_GEN_ARRAY   (ipatch_sf2_gen_array_get_type ())

enum IpatchSF2GenPropsType

typedef enum
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_INST = 0, /* instrument "absolute" properties */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_PRESET = 1, /* preset "offset" properties */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_INST_GLOBAL = 2, /* inst properties with no sample link */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_PRESET_GLOBAL = 3  /* preset props with no inst link */
} IpatchSF2GenPropsType;

Generator property type (defines which gens are valid and their ranges). Note that TRUE/FALSE can be used to designate PRESET/INST (backwards compatible with previous function). Also note that global properties can be treated as a flag: IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PROPS_GLOBAL_FLAG.





union IpatchSF2GenAmount

struct IpatchSF2Gen

struct IpatchSF2Gen {
  guint16 id;			/* generator #IPGenType ID */
  IpatchSF2GenAmount amount; /* generator value */


#define IPATCH_SF2_GENID_SET(genid) ((guint64)0x1 << (genid))


#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_TEST_FLAG(array, genid)


#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_SET_FLAG(array, genid)


#define             IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ARRAY_CLEAR_FLAG(array, genid)

enum IpatchSF2GenType

typedef enum
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_START = 0, /* sample start offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_END = 1, /* sample end offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_LOOP_START = 2,/* sample loop start offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_LOOP_END = 3, /* sample loop end offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_COARSE_START = 4, /* sample start coarse offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_LFO_TO_PITCH = 5, /* modulation LFO to pitch */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VIB_LFO_TO_PITCH = 6, /* vibrato LFO to pitch */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_TO_PITCH = 7, /* modulation envelope to pitch */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_FILTER_CUTOFF = 8, /* initial filter cutoff */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_FILTER_Q = 9, /* filter Q */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_LFO_TO_FILTER_CUTOFF = 10, /* mod LFO to filter cutoff */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_TO_FILTER_CUTOFF = 11, /* mod envelope to filter cutoff */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_COARSE_END = 12, /* sample end course offset */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_LFO_TO_VOLUME = 13, /* modulation LFO to volume */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_CHORUS = 15, /* chorus */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_REVERB = 16, /* reverb */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_PAN = 17, /* panning */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_LFO_DELAY = 21, /* modulation LFO delay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_LFO_FREQ = 22, /* modulation LFO frequency */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VIB_LFO_DELAY = 23, /* vibrato LFO delay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VIB_LFO_FREQ = 24, /* vibrato LFO frequency */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_DELAY = 25, /* modulation envelope delay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_ATTACK = 26, /* modulation envelope attack */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_HOLD = 27, /* modulation envelope hold */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_DECAY = 28, /* modulation envelope decay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_SUSTAIN = 29, /* modulation envelope sustain */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_MOD_ENV_RELEASE = 30, /* modulation envelope release */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_NOTE_TO_MOD_ENV_HOLD = 31, /* MIDI note to mod envelope hold */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_NOTE_TO_MOD_ENV_DECAY = 32, /* MIDI note to mod env decay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_DELAY = 33, /* volume envelope delay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_ATTACK = 34, /* volume envelope attack */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_HOLD = 35, /* volume envelope hold */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_DECAY = 36, /* volume envelope decay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_SUSTAIN = 37, /* volume envelope sustain */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VOL_ENV_RELEASE = 38, /* volume envelope release */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_NOTE_TO_VOL_ENV_HOLD = 39, /* MIDI note to vol envelope hold */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_NOTE_TO_VOL_ENV_DECAY = 40, /* MIDI note to volume env decay */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_INSTRUMENT_ID = 41, /* instrument ID */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_NOTE_RANGE = 43, /* note range */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_VELOCITY_RANGE = 44, /* note on velocity range */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_COARSE_LOOP_START = 45, /* sample coarse loop start */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_FIXED_NOTE = 46, /* MIDI fixed note */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_FIXED_VELOCITY = 47, /* MIDI fixed velocity */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ATTENUATION = 48, /* initial volume attenuation */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_COARSE_LOOP_END = 50, /* sample end loop course ofs */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_COARSE_TUNE = 51, /* course tuning */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_FINE_TUNE_OVERRIDE = 52, /* fine tune override */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_ID = 53, /* sample ID */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SAMPLE_MODES = 54, /* sample flags (IpatchSF2GenSampleModes)*/
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_SCALE_TUNE = 56, /* scale tuning (tuning per MIDI note) */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_EXCLUSIVE_CLASS = 57, /* exclusive class (only 1 at a time) */
  IPATCH_SF2_GEN_ROOT_NOTE_OVERRIDE = 58 /* root note override */
} IpatchSF2GenType;

enum IpatchSF2GenSampleModes

typedef enum
} IpatchSF2GenSampleModes;


extern IpatchSF2GenArray *ipatch_sf2_gen_ofs_array;


extern IpatchSF2GenArray *ipatch_sf2_gen_abs_array;


extern guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_ofs_valid_mask;


extern guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_abs_valid_mask;


extern guint64 ipatch_sf2_gen_add_mask;

ipatch_sf2_gen_is_valid ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_is_valid             (guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenPropsType propstype);

Checks if a generator is valid for the given propstype.

genid :

Generator ID to check

propstype :

Generator property type (instrument/preset + global)

Returns :

TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_get_type ()

GType               ipatch_sf2_gen_array_get_type       (void);

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_new ()

IpatchSF2GenArray * ipatch_sf2_gen_array_new            (gboolean clear);

Create a new generator array object. A convenience function really, because one could just allocate an IpatchSF2GenArray structure instead.

clear :

If TRUE then array will be cleared, FALSE will not initalize it and it is up to the caller to do so.

Returns :

New generator

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_free ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_array_free           (IpatchSF2GenArray *genarray);

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_duplicate ()

IpatchSF2GenArray * ipatch_sf2_gen_array_duplicate      (const IpatchSF2GenArray *array);

Duplicates a generator array structure.

array :

Generator array to duplicate

Returns :

A newly allocated generator array structure which is a duplicate of array.

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_init ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_array_init           (IpatchSF2GenArray *array,
                                                         gboolean offset,
                                                         gboolean set);

Initialize a generator array to default values.

array :

Generator array

offset :

TRUE = initialize to Preset offset (zero) values, FALSE = initialize to instrument default values

set :

TRUE to set flags indicating generator values are set, FALSE to clear all flag "set" bits

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_offset ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_array_offset         (IpatchSF2GenArray *abs_array,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *ofs_array);

Offsets the generators amount array in abs_array by adding the values in ofs_array to it. Values are clamped to their valid ranges.

abs_array :

Destination generator amount array that contains absolute (Instrument) generator values

ofs_array :

Source generator amount array that contains offset (Preset) generator values

Returns :

FALSE if note or velocity range does not intersect (in which case the non-intersecting ranges are left unassigned), TRUE otherwise

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_intersect_test ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_array_intersect_test (const IpatchSF2GenArray *array1,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenArray *array2);

Checks if the note and velocity ranges in two generator arrays intersect.

array1 :

First generator amount array

array2 :

Second generator amount array

Returns :

TRUE if both ranges intersect, FALSE if one or both do not.

ipatch_sf2_gen_array_count_set ()

guint               ipatch_sf2_gen_array_count_set      (IpatchSF2GenArray *array);

Get count of "set" generators in a generator array.

array :

Generator array

Returns :

Count of "set" generators.

ipatch_sf2_gen_amount_to_value ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_amount_to_value      (guint genid,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt,
                                                         GValue *value);

Converts a generator amount to a GValue. Value will be initialized to one of two types: G_TYPE_INT for signed/unsigned integers or IPATCH_TYPE_RANGE for velocity or note split ranges.

genid :

Generator ID

amt :

Generator amount for given genid

value :

Uninitialized GValue to set to amt

ipatch_sf2_gen_default_value ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_default_value        (guint genid,
                                                         gboolean ispreset,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *out_amt);

Get default value for a generator ID for the specified (ispreset) zone type.

genid :

Generator ID

ispreset :

TRUE for preset generators, FALSE for instrument

out_amt :

A pointer to store the default amount into

ipatch_sf2_gen_offset ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_offset               (guint genid,
                                                         IpatchSF2GenAmount *dst,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *ofs);

Offsets a generator amount. Result of offset is clamped to maximum and minimum values for the given generator ID. In the case of note or velocity ranges a return value of TRUE (clamped) means that the ranges don't intersect (contrary return value to other range related functions).

genid :

ID of Generator to offset. Must be a valid preset generator.

dst :

Pointer to the initial amount to offset, result is stored back into this parameter.

ofs :

Pointer to offset amount.

Returns :

TRUE if value was clamped, FALSE otherwise.

ipatch_sf2_gen_clamp ()

void                ipatch_sf2_gen_clamp                (guint genid,
                                                         int *sfval,
                                                         gboolean ispreset);

Clamp a generators value to its valid range.

genid :

Generator ID (IpatchSF2GenType)

sfval :

Generator value to clamp (changed in place)

ispreset :

TRUE if its a Preset generator, FALSE if Instrument

ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect      (IpatchSF2GenAmount *dst,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *src);

Find intersection of two generator ranges (common shared range). If ranges don't share anything in common dst is not assigned.

dst :

First generator amount range, result is also stored here

src :

Second generator amount range

Returns :

FALSE if ranges don't share any range in common.

ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect_test ()

gboolean            ipatch_sf2_gen_range_intersect_test (const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt1,
                                                         const IpatchSF2GenAmount *amt2);

Test if two ranges intersect.

amt1 :

First generator amount range

amt2 :

Second generator amount range

Returns :

FALSE if ranges don't share any range in common, TRUE otherwise

ipatch_sf2_gen_get_prop_name ()

const char *        ipatch_sf2_gen_get_prop_name        (guint genid);

Get the GObject property name for a given generator ID.

genid :

Generator ID

Returns :

Property name or NULL if no property name for genid. The returned string is internal and should not be modified or freed.