


enum                SwamiguiControlRank;
#define             SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_RANK_MASK
enum                SwamiguiControlFlags;
enum                SwamiguiControlObjectFlags;
SwamiControl *      (*SwamiguiControlHandler)           (GObject *widget,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);
extern              GQuark swamigui_control_quark;
SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new                (GType type);
SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new_for_widget     (GObject *widget);
SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new_for_widget_full
                                                        (GObject *widget,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);
SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_lookup             (GObject *widget);
void                swamigui_control_prop_connect_widget
                                                        (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *propname,
                                                         GObject *widget);
GObject *           swamigui_control_create_widget      (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);
void                swamigui_control_set_queue          (SwamiControl *control);
void                swamigui_control_register           (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         SwamiguiControlHandler handler,
                                                         guint flags);
void                swamigui_control_unregister         (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type);
void                swamigui_control_glade_prop_connect (GtkWidget *widget,
                                                         GObject *obj);
GType               swamigui_control_get_alias_value_type
                                                        (GType type);



enum SwamiguiControlRank

typedef enum
} SwamiguiControlRank;





enum SwamiguiControlFlags

typedef enum
  SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_CTRL      =  0x40, /* controls values */
  SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_VIEW      =  0x80, /* displays values */
  SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_NO_CREATE = 0x100 /* don't create control, cfg UI obj only */
} SwamiguiControlFlags;



enum SwamiguiControlObjectFlags

typedef enum  /*< flags >*/
} SwamiguiControlObjectFlags;

SwamiguiControlHandler ()

SwamiControl *      (*SwamiguiControlHandler)           (GObject *widget,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);

This is a function type to handle the creation of a control that is bound to a GUI interface widget. The control should be configured according to flags (if its display only then UI control changes should be ignored or preferably disabled, control only flag will occur only with handlers that don't display value changes). The UI widget may be modified to conform to pspec (valid range, max string length, etc) and should be done in a manner that allows widget to be re-configured (i.e., set default values if pspec not supplied).

widget :

GUI widget to create a control for

value_type :

Control value type (useful to handler functions that can handle multiple value types)

pspec :

Parameter spec defining the control parameters (value type, valid range, etc), will be a GParamSpec of the specified value_type or NULL for defaults

flags :

Flags indicating if control should display values or control and display values. If the SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_NO_CREATE flag is specified then a control should not be created, but widget should be configured to conform to pspec (or reset to defaults if NULL).

Returns :

Should return the new control which is controlling the GUI interface widget.


extern GQuark swamigui_control_quark;

swamigui_control_new ()

SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new                (GType type);

Create a control of the given type which should be a SwamiControl derived type. The created control is automatically added to the SwamiguiRoot GUI control event queue. Just a convenience function really.

type :

A SwamiControl derived GType of control to create

Returns :

New control with a refcount of 1 which the caller owns.

swamigui_control_new_for_widget ()

SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new_for_widget     (GObject *widget);

Creates a new control for a GUI widget. Use swami_control_new_for_widget_full() for additional parameters.

widget :

GUI widget to create a control for

Returns :

The new control or NULL if widget not handled. The returned control does NOT have a reference since the widget is the owner of the control. Destroying the widget will cause the control to be disconnected and unref'd, if there are no more references the control will be freed.

swamigui_control_new_for_widget_full ()

SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_new_for_widget_full
                                                        (GObject *widget,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);

Creates a new control for a GUI widget, provided there is a registered handler for the widget type/value type combination. The new control is automatically assigned to the GUI queue in swamigui_root. A widget's control can be retrieved with swamigui_control_lookup(). If the given widget already has a control it is returned. The pspec parameter allows for additional settings to be applied to the widget and/or control (such as a valid range or max string length, etc).

widget :

GUI widget to control

value_type :

Control value type or 0 for default

pspec :

Parameter spec to define valid ranges and other parameters, should be a GParamSpec of value_type or NULL for defaults

flags :

Flags for creating the new control. To create a display only control just the SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_VIEW flag can be specified, 0 means both control and view (SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_CTRLVIEW).

Returns :

The new control or NULL if widget/value_type not handled. The returned control does NOT have a reference since the widget is the owner of the control. Destroying the widget will cause the control to be disconnected and unref'd, if there are no more references the control will be freed.

swamigui_control_lookup ()

SwamiControl *      swamigui_control_lookup             (GObject *widget);

widget :

User interface widget to lookup the SwamiControl of

Returns :

The associated SwamiControl or NULL if none. The return control is NOT referenced for the caller (don't unref it).

swamigui_control_prop_connect_widget ()

void                swamigui_control_prop_connect_widget
                                                        (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *propname,
                                                         GObject *widget);

A convenience function which connects a widget as a control for a given object property. Use swamigui_control_prop_connect_widget_full() for additional options.

object :

Object with property to connect

propname :

Property of object to connect

widg :

Widget to control object property

swamigui_control_create_widget ()

GObject *           swamigui_control_create_widget      (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec,
                                                         SwamiguiControlFlags flags);

Creates a GUI widget suitable for controlling values of type value_type. The widg_type parameter is used to specify what base type of widget to create, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET is assumed if 0.

widg_type :

A base type of new widget (GtkWidget, GnomeCanvasItem, etc) or 0 for default GtkWidget derived types.

value_type :

Control value type

pspec :

Parameter spec to define valid ranges and other parameters, should be a GParamSpec of value_type or NULL for defaults

flags :

Can be used to specify view only controls by passing SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_VIEW in which case view only control handlers will be preferred. A value of 0 assumes control and view mode (SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_CTRLVIEW).

Returns :

The new GUI widget derived from widg_type and suitable for controlling values of type value_type or NULL if value_type/widg_type not handled. The new object uses the Gtk reference counting behavior.

swamigui_control_set_queue ()

void                swamigui_control_set_queue          (SwamiControl *control);

Set a control to use a GUI queue which is required for all controls that may be controlled from a non-GUI thread.

control :

Control to assign to the GUI queue

swamigui_control_register ()

void                swamigui_control_register           (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type,
                                                         SwamiguiControlHandler handler,
                                                         guint flags);

This function registers new GUI control types. It is multi-thread safe and can be called outside of the GUI thread (from a plugin for instance). If the given widg_type/value_type already exists then the new handler is used. The flags parameter specifies the rank to give preference to handlers with the same value_type and also contains control/view capability flags.

widg_type :

Type of object control to register

value_type :

The control value type

handler :

Handler function for creating the control

flags :

A rank value between 1:lowest to 63:highest, 0:default (see SwamiguiControlRank) or'ed with SwamiguiControlFlags defining the view/control capabilities of this handler. The rank allows preferred object types to be chosen when there are multiple object control handlers for the same value and base object types. If neither SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_VIEW or SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_CTRL are specified then control/view is assumed (SWAMIGUI_CONTROL_CTRLVIEW).

swamigui_control_unregister ()

void                swamigui_control_unregister         (GType widg_type,
                                                         GType value_type);

Unregisters a previous widg_type/value_type GUI control handler. It is multi-thread safe and can be called outside of GUI thread (from a plugin for instance).

widg_type :

Object type of control handler to unregister

value_type :

The value type of the control handler

swamigui_control_glade_prop_connect ()

void                swamigui_control_glade_prop_connect (GtkWidget *widget,
                                                         GObject *obj);

This function connects a libglade created widget, with child widgets whose names are of the form "PROP::[prop-name]", to the corresponding GObject properties of obj ([prop-name] values). An example child widget name would be "PROP::volume" which would control the "volume" property of an object. This allows for object GUI interfaces to be created with a minimum of code.

widget :

A GTK widget created by libglade

obj :

Object to control properties of or NULL to unset active object

swamigui_control_get_alias_value_type ()

GType               swamigui_control_get_alias_value_type
                                                        (GType type);