


void                swamigui_tree_store_insert          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         int pos,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);
void                swamigui_tree_store_insert_before   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *sibling,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);
void                swamigui_tree_store_insert_after    (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *sibling,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);
void                swamigui_tree_store_change          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon);
void                swamigui_tree_store_remove          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);
void                swamigui_tree_store_move_before     (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *position);
void                swamigui_tree_store_move_after      (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *position);
gboolean            swamigui_tree_store_item_get_node   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);
GObject *           swamigui_tree_store_node_get_item   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);
void                swamigui_tree_store_add             (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);
void                swamigui_tree_store_changed         (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

SwamiguiTreeStore implements GtkTreeModel, GtkTreeDragSource, GtkTreeDragDest, GtkTreeSortable and GtkBuildable.




typedef struct _SwamiguiTreeStore SwamiguiTreeStore;


#define SWAMIGUI_TREE_ERRMSG_PARENT_NOT_IN_TREE "Parent not in tree store"


#define SWAMIGUI_TREE_ERRMSG_ITEM_NOT_IN_TREE "Item not in tree store"

swamigui_tree_store_insert ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_insert          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         int pos,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);

Creates a new tree node and inserts it at the position given by parent and pos, returning the created node in out_iter (if supplied). item is an object to link with the created node. It is also used if either label or icons is NULL in which case it obtains the information via other methods.

store :

Swami tree store to insert tree node into

item :

Object to link to tree node or NULL

label :

Label for node or NULL to try and obtain it other ways.

icon :

Stock ID of icon (NULL to use "icon" type property or category icon)

parent :

Pointer to parent tree node or NULL if inserting a toplevel node

pos :

Position to insert new node at (0 = prepend, > sibling list to append)

out_iter :

Pointer to a user supplied GtkTreeIter structure to store the new node in or NULL to ignore.

swamigui_tree_store_insert_before ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_insert_before   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *sibling,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);

Like swamigui_tree_store_insert() but inserts the node before the specified sibling instead.

store :

Swami tree store to insert tree node into

item :

Object to link to tree node or NULL

label :

Label for node or NULL to try and obtain it other ways.

icon :

Stock ID of icon (NULL to use "icon" type property or category icon)

parent :

Pointer to parent tree node or NULL if inserting a toplevel node

sibling :

A sibling node to insert the new node before or NULL to append

out_iter :

Pointer to a user supplied GtkTreeIter structure to store the new node in or NULL to ignore.

swamigui_tree_store_insert_after ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_insert_after    (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *parent,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *sibling,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *out_iter);

Like swamigui_tree_store_insert() but inserts the node after the specified sibling instead.

store :

Swami tree store to insert tree node into

item :

Object to link to tree node or NULL

label :

Label for node or NULL to try and obtain it other ways.

icon :

Stock ID of icon (NULL to use "icon" type property or category icon)

parent :

Pointer to parent tree node or NULL if inserting a toplevel node

sibling :

A sibling node to insert the new node after or NULL to prepend

out_iter :

Pointer to a user supplied GtkTreeIter structure to store the new node in or NULL to ignore.

swamigui_tree_store_change ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_change          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         const char *label,
                                                         char *icon);

Changes a row in a Swami tree store.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Object in store to update

label :

New label or NULL to keep old

icon :

GdkPixbuf icon or NULL to keep old

swamigui_tree_store_remove ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_remove          (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);

Removes a node (and all its children) from a Swami tree store.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Object in store to remove

swamigui_tree_store_move_before ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_move_before     (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *position);

Move an item from its current location to before position. position must be at the same level as item in the tree.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Item to move

position :

Location to move item before or NULL for last position

swamigui_tree_store_move_after ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_move_after      (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *position);

Move an item from its current location to after position. position must be at the same level as item in the tree.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Item to move

position :

Location to move item after or NULL for first position

swamigui_tree_store_item_get_node ()

gboolean            swamigui_tree_store_item_get_node   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);

Gets a tree node for item in store. The tree node is stored in iter which should be a pointer to a user supplied GtkTreeIter structure.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Item that is in store

iter :

Pointer to a GtkTreeIter structure to store the linked tree node

Returns :

TRUE if iter was set (item has a linked node in store), FALSE otherwise

swamigui_tree_store_node_get_item ()

GObject *           swamigui_tree_store_node_get_item   (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GtkTreeIter *iter);

Gets the linked item object for iter node in store. The returned item is not referenced but can be safely used as long as the tree model isn't changed (possibly causing item to be destroyed). The item should be ref'd if used for extended periods.

store :

Swami tree store

iter :

Node in store to find linked item of

Returns :

The item object linked with iter node or NULL if not found. Item has NOT been referenced, see note above.

swamigui_tree_store_add ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_add             (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);

Add an item to a tree store using the item_add class method (specific to tree store types).

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Item to add

swamigui_tree_store_changed ()

void                swamigui_tree_store_changed         (SwamiguiTreeStore *store,
                                                         GObject *item);

This function updates the title and sorting of an item that changed using the item_changed class method (specific to tree store types). Note that re-ordering of the changed item may occur in a delayed fashion, to prevent delays while user is typing a name for example.

store :

Swami tree store

item :

Item that changed