


SwamiControlValue * swami_control_value_new             (void);
void                swami_control_value_assign_value    (SwamiControlValue *ctrlvalue,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);
void                swami_control_value_alloc_value     (SwamiControlValue *ctrlvalue);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _SwamiControlValue SwamiControlValue;

swami_control_value_new ()

SwamiControlValue * swami_control_value_new             (void);

Create a new GValue control.

Returns :

New GValue control with a refcount of 1 which the caller owns.

swami_control_value_assign_value ()

void                swami_control_value_assign_value    (SwamiControlValue *ctrlvalue,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);

Assigns a GValue to be controlled by a Swami GValue control object. If destroy is set it will be called on the value when it is no longer being used. The ctrlvalue should already have a parameter specification. If the value type is the same as the GParamSpec value type it will be used as is otherwise it will be initialized to the parameter spec type.

ctrlvalue :

Swami GValue control object

value :

Value to be controlled

destroy :

A function to destroy value or NULL

swami_control_value_alloc_value ()

void                swami_control_value_alloc_value     (SwamiControlValue *ctrlvalue);

Allocate a GValue and assign it to the ctrlvalue object. See swami_control_value_assign_value() to assign an existing GValue to a Swami GValue control object. The ctrlvalue should already have an assigned parameter spec.

ctrlvalue :

Swami GValue control object