
IpatchUnit_SF2 — Unit types and conversions for SoundFont

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


int                 ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_dls_abs_pitch
                                                        (int sf2_abs_pitch);
int                 ipatch_unit_dls_abs_pitch_to_sf2_abs_pitch
                                                        (int dls_abs_pitch);
double              ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_hertz  (int sf2_abs_pitch);
int                 ipatch_unit_hertz_to_sf2_abs_pitch  (double hz);
double              ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_pitch_to_multiplier
                                                        (int sf2_ofs_pitch);
int                 ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_pitch
                                                        (double multiplier);
int                 ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_dls_abs_time
                                                        (int sf2_abs_time);
int                 ipatch_unit_dls_abs_time_to_sf2_abs_time
                                                        (int dls_abs_time);
double              ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_seconds (int sf2_abs_time);
int                 ipatch_unit_seconds_to_sf2_abs_time (double sec);
double              ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_time_to_multiplier
                                                        (int sf2_ofs_time);
int                 ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_time
                                                        (double multiplier);
int                 ipatch_unit_centibels_to_dls_gain   (int centibel);
int                 ipatch_unit_dls_gain_to_centibels   (int dls_gain);
double              ipatch_unit_centibels_to_decibels   (int cb);
int                 ipatch_unit_decibels_to_centibels   (double db);
double              ipatch_unit_tenth_percent_to_percent
                                                        (int tenth_percent);
int                 ipatch_unit_percent_to_tenth_percent
                                                        (double percent);



ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_dls_abs_pitch ()

int                 ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_dls_abs_pitch
                                                        (int sf2_abs_pitch);

Converts a value from SF2 absolute pitch to DLS absolute pitch.

sf2_abs_pitch = 1200 * log2(f/8.176) f = 8.176 * 2^(sf2_abs_pitch/1200)

dls_abs_pitch = (1200 * log2(f/440) + 6900) * 65536 f = 440 * 2^((dls_abs_pitch / 65536 - 6900) / 1200)

sf2_abs_pitch :

Value in SF2 absolute pitch

Returns :

Value converted to DLS absolute pitch

ipatch_unit_dls_abs_pitch_to_sf2_abs_pitch ()

int                 ipatch_unit_dls_abs_pitch_to_sf2_abs_pitch
                                                        (int dls_abs_pitch);

Converts a value from DLS absolute pitch to SF2 absolute pitch. See ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_dls_abs_pitch()

dls_abs_pitch :

Value in DLS absolute pitch

Returns :

Value converted to SF2 absolute pitch

ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_hertz ()

double              ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_pitch_to_hertz  (int sf2_abs_pitch);

Convert SoundFont absolute pitch to frequency in Hertz.

sf2_abs_pitch :

Value in SoundFont absolute pitch

Returns :

Value in Hertz (cycles per second)

ipatch_unit_hertz_to_sf2_abs_pitch ()

int                 ipatch_unit_hertz_to_sf2_abs_pitch  (double hz);

Convert frequency in Hertz to SoundFont absolute pitch.

hz :

Hertz (cycles per second) value

Returns :

Converted value in SoundFont absolute pitch.

ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_pitch_to_multiplier ()

double              ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_pitch_to_multiplier
                                                        (int sf2_ofs_pitch);

Convert SoundFont offset pitch (cents) to multiplier factor.

sf2_ofs_pitch :

Value in SoundFont offset pitch

Returns :

Multiplier factor

ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_pitch ()

int                 ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_pitch
                                                        (double multiplier);

Convert multiplier factor to SoundFont offset pitch (cents).

multiplier :

Multiplier factor

Returns :

Converted value in SoundFont offset pitch (cents).

ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_dls_abs_time ()

int                 ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_dls_abs_time
                                                        (int sf2_abs_time);

Convert a value from SF2 absolute time to DLS absolute time.

sf2_abs_time = 1200 * log2 (seconds) seconds = 2^(sf2_abs_time / 1200)

dls_abs_time = 1200 * log2 (seconds) * 65536 seconds = 2^(dls_abs_time / (1200 * 65536))

sf2_abs_time :

Value in SF2 absolute time (timecents)

Returns :

Value converted to DLS absolute time.

ipatch_unit_dls_abs_time_to_sf2_abs_time ()

int                 ipatch_unit_dls_abs_time_to_sf2_abs_time
                                                        (int dls_abs_time);

Convert a value from DLS absolute time to SF2 absolute time. See ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_dls_abs_time()

dls_abs_time :

Value in DLS absolute time

Returns :

Value converted to SF2 absolute time

ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_seconds ()

double              ipatch_unit_sf2_abs_time_to_seconds (int sf2_abs_time);

Convert a value from SoundFont absolute time (timecents) to seconds.

sf2_abs_time :

Value in SoundFont absolute time

Returns :

Value in seconds

ipatch_unit_seconds_to_sf2_abs_time ()

int                 ipatch_unit_seconds_to_sf2_abs_time (double sec);

Convert value from seconds to SoundFont absolute time (timecents).

sec :

Value in seconds

Returns :

Value in SoundFont absolute time

ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_time_to_multiplier ()

double              ipatch_unit_sf2_ofs_time_to_multiplier
                                                        (int sf2_ofs_time);

Convert a value from SoundFont offset time (timecents) to a multiplier.

sf2_ofs_time :

Value in SoundFont offset time (timecents)

Returns :

Multiplier factor

ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_time ()

int                 ipatch_unit_multiplier_to_sf2_ofs_time
                                                        (double multiplier);

Convert value from a multiplier to SoundFont offset time (timecents).

multiplier :

Multiplier factor

Returns :

Value in SoundFont offset time (timecents)

ipatch_unit_centibels_to_dls_gain ()

int                 ipatch_unit_centibels_to_dls_gain   (int centibel);

Convert a value from centibels to DLS gain (1/655360th of a dB).

V = target amplitude, v = original amplitude centibel = 200 * log10 (v / V) dls_gain = 200 * 65536 * log10 (V / v)

centibel :

Value in centibels (10th of a Decibel)

Returns :

Value converted to DLS gain

ipatch_unit_dls_gain_to_centibels ()

int                 ipatch_unit_dls_gain_to_centibels   (int dls_gain);

Convert a value from DLS gain to centibels.

dls_gain :

Value in DLS gain (1/655360th of a dB)

Returns :

Value converted to centibels.

ipatch_unit_centibels_to_decibels ()

double              ipatch_unit_centibels_to_decibels   (int cb);

Convert a value from Centibels to Decibels.

cb :

Value in Centibels (10th of a Decibel)

Returns :

Value in Decibels

ipatch_unit_decibels_to_centibels ()

int                 ipatch_unit_decibels_to_centibels   (double db);

Convert Decibels to Centibels (10ths of a dB)

db :

Value in Decibels

Returns :

Converted value in Centibels (10ths of a Decibel)

ipatch_unit_tenth_percent_to_percent ()

double              ipatch_unit_tenth_percent_to_percent
                                                        (int tenth_percent);

Convert a value from 10ths of a Percent to Percent.

tenth_percent :

Value in 10ths of a Percent (Percent * 10)

Returns :

Value in Percent

ipatch_unit_percent_to_tenth_percent ()

int                 ipatch_unit_percent_to_tenth_percent
                                                        (double percent);

Convert Percent to 10ths of a Percent (Percent * 10)

percent :

Value in Percent

Returns :

Converted value in 10ths of a Percent