
IpatchSampleTransform — Audio format conversion instance

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


void                (*IpatchSampleTransformFunc)        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
IpatchSampleTransform * ipatch_sample_transform_new     (int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_free        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_init        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
IpatchSampleTransform * ipatch_sample_transform_pool_acquire
                                                        (int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_pool_release
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_set_formats (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_alloc       (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint frames);
int                 ipatch_sample_transform_alloc_size  (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint size);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_free_buffers
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
guint               ipatch_sample_transform_set_buffers_size
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gpointer buf,
                                                         guint size);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_get_buffers (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gpointer *buf1,
                                                         gpointer *buf2);
void                ipatch_sample_transform_get_frame_sizes
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint *buf1_size,
                                                         guint *buf2_size);
guint               ipatch_sample_transform_get_max_frames
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);
gpointer            ipatch_sample_transform_convert     (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gconstpointer src,
                                                         gpointer dest,
                                                         guint frames);
gpointer            ipatch_sample_transform_convert_single
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint frames);


A structure for converting between audio formats (for example the bit width or number of channels). This structure is initialized with the source and destination audio formats, multi-channel mapping and conversion buffers.



typedef struct {
  guint16 src_format;		/* source sample format */
  guint16 dest_format;		/* destination sample format */
  guint8 channel_map[8];        /* channel mapping for multi-channel audio */
  guint8 buf1_max_frame; /* max bytes per frame for buf1 */
  guint8 buf2_max_frame; /* max bytes per frame for buf2 */
  guint8 func_count;		/* number of functions in funcs array */
  guint8 free_buffers;		/* set to TRUE if buffers need to be freed */
  guint max_frames;		/* max frames that can be converted in batch */
  guint frames;			/* number of frames to transform */
  guint samples; /* # of samples for current transform func (not frames!)*/
  gpointer buf1;		/* buffer 1 (first input) */
  gpointer buf2;		/* buffer 2 */
  guint combined_size; /* size in bytes of both buffers (if combined) */
  gpointer reserved1;           /* Reserved field */
  gpointer reserved2;           /* Reserved field */

  /* array of transform funcs */
  IpatchSampleTransformFunc funcs[IPATCH_SAMPLE_MAX_TRANSFORM_FUNCS];
} IpatchSampleTransform;

IpatchSampleTransformFunc ()

void                (*IpatchSampleTransformFunc)        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Audio conversion handler prototype. Handler will modify samples of transform if number of samples changes (a change in the number of channels occurs).

transform :

Sample transform object

ipatch_sample_transform_new ()

IpatchSampleTransform * ipatch_sample_transform_new     (int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);

Create a new sample transform object. If src_format and dest_format are not 0 then the transform is initialized for the given source and destination formats, otherwise they are expected to be set later with ipatch_sample_transform_set_formats().

src_format :

Source sample format or 0 to set later

dest_format :

Destination sample format or 0 to set later

channel_map :

Channel mapping (use IPATCH_SAMPLE_UNITY_CHANNEL_MAP to map all input channels to the same output channels, see IPATCH_SAMPLE_MAP_CHANNEL macro for constructing channel map values)

Returns :

New allocated sample transform structure which should be freed with ipatch_sample_transform_free() when done with it.

ipatch_sample_transform_free ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_free        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Free a transform structure as allocated by ipatch_sample_transform_new() and its allocated resources.

transform :

Transform structure

ipatch_sample_transform_init ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_init        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Initialize a sample transform structure. Usually only used to initialize transform structures allocated on the stack, which is done to avoid mallocs.

transform :

Sample transform to initialize

ipatch_sample_transform_pool_acquire ()

IpatchSampleTransform * ipatch_sample_transform_pool_acquire
                                                        (int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);

Get an unused sample transform object from the sample transform pool. Used for quickly getting a transform object for temporary use without the overhead of allocating one. Note though, that if no more transforms exist in the pool an allocation will occur.

src_format :

Source sample format

dest_format :

Destination sample format

channel_map :

Channel mapping (use IPATCH_SAMPLE_UNITY_CHANNEL_MAP to map all input channels to the same output channels, see IPATCH_SAMPLE_MAP_CHANNEL macro for constructing channel map values)

Returns :

Sample transform object. Should be released after use with ipatch_sample_transform_pool_release().

ipatch_sample_transform_pool_release ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_pool_release
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Release a sample transform object, returned by ipatch_sample_transform_pool_grab(), back to the transform pool.

transform :

Sample transform

ipatch_sample_transform_set_formats ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_set_formats (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         int src_format,
                                                         int dest_format,
                                                         guint32 channel_map);

Initialize a sample transform object for converting from src_format to dest_format.

transform :

Transform object

src_format :

Source audio format to convert from

dest_format :

Destination audio format to convert to

channel_map :

Channel mapping (use IPATCH_SAMPLE_UNITY_CHANNEL_MAP to map all input channels to the same output channels, see IPATCH_SAMPLE_MAP_CHANNEL macro for constructing channel map values)

ipatch_sample_transform_alloc ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_alloc       (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint frames);

Allocate buffers for transforming between two audio formats, for which transform has previously been initialized for with ipatch_sample_transform_new() or ipatch_sample_transform_set_formats().

Note: Assigning buffers with this function allows sample formats to be changed without re-assigning the buffers.

transform :

Sample transform object

frames :

Number of frames to allocate for (max frames processed in batch)

ipatch_sample_transform_alloc_size ()

int                 ipatch_sample_transform_alloc_size  (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint size);

Like ipatch_sample_transform_alloc() but allocates buffers based on a maximum size and returns the maximum number of sample frames which can be converted at a time using this size. Another difference is that conversion formats do not need to be set before calling this function.

transform :

Sample transform object

size :

Maximum total size in bytes of allocation for both transform buffers.

Returns :

The maximum number of frames that can be converted at a time for the given size of transform buffers. If conversion formats have not yet been set, then this function returns 0.

ipatch_sample_transform_free_buffers ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_free_buffers
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Free sample transform buffers.

transform :

Sample transform object

ipatch_sample_transform_set_buffers_size ()

guint               ipatch_sample_transform_set_buffers_size
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gpointer buf,
                                                         guint size);

Assign transform buffers using a single buffer of a specific size in bytes and determine optimal division for source and destination buffers. Conversion formats must not be set before calling this function (can be set later).

transform :

Sample transform object

buf :

Buffer to assign for transforming sample formats

size :

Size of buf in bytes

Returns :

The maximum number of frames that can be converted at a time for the given size of transform buffers. If conversion formats have not yet been set, then this function returns 0.

ipatch_sample_transform_get_buffers ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_get_buffers (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gpointer *buf1,
                                                         gpointer *buf2);

Get the sample data buffers in a sample transform object.

transform :

Sample transform object

buf1 :

Output - first buffer or NULL to ignore

buf2 :

Output - second buffer or NULL to ignore

ipatch_sample_transform_get_frame_sizes ()

void                ipatch_sample_transform_get_frame_sizes
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint *buf1_size,
                                                         guint *buf2_size);

Get max frame sizes for transform buffers. When transforming audio the first buffer must be at least frames * buf1_size bytes in size and the second buffer must be at least frames * buf2_size, where frames is the max number of frames to convert in batch.

transform :

Initialized transform object

buf1_size :

Out: Maximum frame size for buffer 1 or NULL to ignore

buf2_size :

Out: Maximum frame size for buffer 2 or NULL to ignore

ipatch_sample_transform_get_max_frames ()

guint               ipatch_sample_transform_get_max_frames
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform);

Get the maximum frames that the transform object can convert at a time.

transform :

Sample transform object

Returns :

Max number of frames that can be converted at a time, 0 if buffers have not been allocated yet.

ipatch_sample_transform_convert ()

gpointer            ipatch_sample_transform_convert     (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         gconstpointer src,
                                                         gpointer dest,
                                                         guint frames);

Convert an arbitrary number of audio frames from user provided buffers, contrary to ipatch_sample_transform_convert_single() which uses internal buffers and converts a max of 1 buffer at a time. The sample formats should already be assigned and internal buffers assigned or allocated.

transform :

An initialized sample transform object

src :

Audio source buffer (frames X the source frame size in bytes), can be NULL to use internal buffer (provided frames is less than or equal to the max frames that can be converted at a time), in which case buf1 of transform should already be loaded with source data.

dest :

Converted audio destination buffer (frames X the destination frame size in bytes), can be NULL to use internal buffer (provided frames is less than or equal to the max frames that can be converted at a time).

frames :

Number of audio frames to convert

Returns :

Pointer to converted data. Will be dest if it was not NULL or internal buffer containing the converted data otherwise.

ipatch_sample_transform_convert_single ()

gpointer            ipatch_sample_transform_convert_single
                                                        (IpatchSampleTransform *transform,
                                                         guint frames);

Convert the format of a single buffer of audio. The transform object must have had its sample formats set and buffers assigned or allocated. Use ipatch_sample_transform_convert() to convert from one buffer to another regardless of the number of frames.

transform :

An initialized sample transform object

frames :

Number of frames to convert (should be less than or equal to the maximum frames which can be converted at a time (see ipatch_sample_transform_get_max_frames()).

Returns :

Pointer to converted audio data (buffer is internal to transform object).